Facebook Archive
06 Jul 2015
Why passwords are not able to keep you safe in Cyber Space?

In present if you are person who is spending more than three hours online, so definitely you will fed up with so many online accounts and different passwords. No wonder, its good opportunity for those software’s and apps who are providing password storage service. But these passwords managers are not less than gaming tool for
03 Jul 2015
Avoid Stalkers on Facebook and Other Social Media Platforms with These Tips.

We all are living in the era of social networking and more and more people are going online, engaging in the various social media interactions however; we didn’t have imagine it ever. Being online 24×7 is just like the part of our daily life. Facebook and other social networking platforms have come a long way
12 May 2015
Now iOS UI development framework of Facebook is an open source

Now ComponentKit frame work is available for general use with a purpose to reduce the complexity of writing codes. Facebook’s ComponentKit is an open source frame work which reacts as inspired framework for iOS. According to official statement of Facebook, our ComponentKit is a native Objective-C++ view framework which has a functional and declarative approach
25 Jun 2014
Efficient running of Facebook newsfeed through functional programming

Functional programming has been constantly used to debug complex codes and the same is being used by Facebook development team to fix on the bugs in their website. Facebook went along with the functional programming method to get the News feed updated in their client Apple iOS. This model has helped in tuning as well